Common regular verbs in Brazilian Portuguese

This page lists common regular verbs in Brazilian Portuguese and examples of regular verb conjugations in the present tense.  

Along with nouns, verbs make up the main parts of a sentence.  Having verbs in your vocabulary will enable you to build sentences and communicate clearly.  

A number of websites offer tools to help you conjugate verbs, including, and  Using these sites will help you to identify if a verb is regular, or irregular.

Regular ‘arverbs

to walkandar
to findachar
to introduceapresentar
to arrivechegar
to startcomeçar
to buycomprar
to meetencontrar
to enterentrar
to listenescutar
to speakfalar
to closefechar
to stay, to become, etcficar
to likegostar
to takelevar
to livemorar
to passpassar
to thinkpensar
to take, to havetomar
to worktrabalhar

The table below shows conjugation of the regular ar verb falar (to speak).  Other regular ar verbs follow the same pattern of conjugation:

I speakeu falo
you/he/she speaksvocê/ele/ela fala
we speaknós falamos
they speakvocês/eles/elas falam

Regular ‘ir’ verbs

to openabrir
to attendassistir
to dividedividir
to sleepdormir
to existexistir
to leave partir
to feelsentir
to wear vestir

The table below shows conjugation of the regular ir verb abrir (to open).  Other regular ir verbs follow the same pattern of conjugation:

I openeu arbo
you/he/she opensvocê/ele/ela abre
we opennós abrimos
they openvocês/eles/elas abrem

Regular ‘erverbs

to drinkbeber
to eatcomer
to rememberreceber
to sellvender
to liveviver

The table below shows conjugation of the regular er verb comer (to eat).  Other regular er verbs follow the same pattern of conjugation:

I eateu como
you/he/she eatsvocê/ele/ela come
we eatnós comemos
they eatvocês/eles/elas comem

Common regular verbs flashcards

Test your memory of common regular verbs using the flashcards below. Click on the card to reveal the translation and the arrows to move between cards:

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