This page lists links to Brazilian Portuguese resources on the web.

Language learning apps
Most people are aware of language learning apps, including Duolingo and Babbel, which offer ‘anytime and anywhere’ access to language resources through a mobile phone. Duolingo offers free access to content and aims to ‘gamify’ language learning by introducing different skill levels and embedding learning through ‘spaced repetition’ to remind people about the language they have learnt over time. In contrast, access to Babbel is paid for by subscription and the content focuses heavily on learning through dialogue.
Portuguese language learning websites
While apps offer a great way to engage with language learning, their functionality can sometimes be limited and there may be areas that you want to explore in more detail. For people like me, who are more detail-oriented, language websites can offer helpful tips and guidance. They can also help you to learn more independently and at your own pace.
See below for a list of free resources available on the web for learning Brazilian Portuguese. I will keep these updated and signpost to additional resources as my own knowledge and understanding of Brazilian Portuguese improves:
Name of website | URL |
Street Smart Brazil | |
Hacking Portuguese | |
Speaking Brazilian | |
Portuguesepedia | |
Portuguese with Eli | |
Brazilian Portuguese resources on social media
Social media and other platforms, including YouTube can also help you to immerse yourself in the use of the language. I have an instagram account here, which I encourage you to follow. The accounts I follow include @umcartao, a collection of written quotes and sayings presented on photographed card or post-it notes with over 4.6 million followers. I also follow @gringorecifense, a Brit who speaks Portuguese in a northern Brazilian accent, who makes light of cultural differences between Brazil and the UK.
Sister site
Check out my sister site, offering free resources for Brazilians to learn English.
If you have any other suggestions for links to add to this page, or accounts to follow, please contact me here.