Simple past tense in Brazilian Portuguese

This page outlines the use of the simple past tense in Brazilian Portuguese.  The simple past tense is also called the preterite, or pretérito perfeito (past perfect) tense.

There are in fact several ways to refer to something that happened in the past in Brazilian Portuguese. The simple past tense is used to refer to past actions or events that have already happened and have been completed (e.g. I delivered the parcel).  It is the easiest and most common past tense in Brazilian Portuguese and the one you should learn first.

Conjugating regular verbs in the simple past tense

If you’ve been following the learning path set out on this website, you’ll have seen how to conjugate verbs in the present tense in Brazilian Portuguese.  Just like the present tense, verbs in the past tense are also conjugated in Brazilian Portuguese and regular verbs that end in ar, er and ir follow specific patterns of conjugation.

Endings for regular ar verbs

English pronounPortuguese pronounVerb endingExample (comprar – to buy)
Ieueieu comprei
youvocêouvocê comprou
he/sheele/elaouele/ela comprou
we nósamosnós compramos
theyeles/elasarameles/elas comparam


we played football in the parkjogamos futebol no parque

Note that the pronoun is sometimes omitted because the conjugation indicates who is performing the action.

Endings for regular er verbs

English pronounPortuguese pronounVerb endingExample (comer – to eat)
Ieuieu comi
youvocêeuvocê comeu
he/sheele/elaeuele/ela comeu
we nósemosnós comemos
theyeles/elaserameles/elas comeram


I drank orange juiceeu bebi suco de laranja

Endings for regular ir verbs

English pronounPortuguese pronounVerb endingExample (abrir – to open)
Ieuieu abri
youvocêiuvocê abriu
he/sheele/elaiuele/ela abriu
we nósimosnós abrimos
theyeles/elasirameles/elas abriram


you left earlyvocê saiu mais cedo

Conjugation of common irregular verbs in the simple past tense

As with the present tense, there are irregular verbs in the simple past tense that do not follow specific patterns of conjugation and need to be memorised.

By way of example, see below for how to conjugate the irregular verb ter (to have) in the simple past tense:

I hadeu tive
you hadvocê teve
he/she hadele/ela teve
we hadnós tivemos
they hadeles/elas tiveram


he had a great ideaele teve uma ótima ideia

See here for a list of common irregular verbs in Brazilian Portuguese.

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