Adverbs in Brazilian Portuguese

This page outlines use of adverbs in Brazilian Portuguese. Adverbs modify verbs (e.g. she talks loudly), adjectives (e.g. he is very tall) and other adverbs (e.g. she is almost always late). 

In English, adverbs are often formed by adding –ly to the end of an adjective (e.g. seriously).  Just like in English, Portuguese adverbs (advérbios) are often formed by adding -mente to the end of an adjective e.g. excelentemente (excellently) = excelente + mente.  

Below are some general rules for use of adverbs in Brazilian Portuguese:

  • Adverbs are normally positioned after the verbs they are modifying
  • Adverbs usually carry the feminine form of the adjectives e.g. ótima instead of ótimo
  • Accents from the original adjective (e.g. á) are always dropped when forming -mente adverbs e.g. fácil (easy) becomes facilmente (easily)
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