Greetings and goodbyes in Brazilian Portuguese

This page offers a guide to greetings and goodbyes in Brazilian Portuguese.

Olá e bem-vindo (hello and welcome). Greetings words are amongst the most basic to learn in a foreign language and also the most important. Words and phrases like ‘hello’ and ‘how are you?’ help to break the ice and open the way to start conversations.

Greetings in Brazilian Portuguese

Below are some greetings words in Brazilian Portuguese:

Hello Olá
Good morningBom dia
Good afternoonBoa tarde
Good evening/ good nightBoa noite
How are you? Tudo bem (lit. “Everything well?”)
How is it going?Como vai?
I’m well, thank youEstou bem, obrigado/a
Pleased to meet youMuito prazer (lit. “Much pleasure”)

Formal and informal greetings

Like in English, there are both formal and informal ways to greet people depending on how well you know the person or group of people being addressed:

  • Oi (hi), is widely used, although olá is more acceptable as a standard greeting
  • E aí? (literally “and there,” but practically meaning “what’s up?”) is the most informal way of greeting someone

Introducing yourself

After making introductions, you’ll want to tell people your name:

What is your name?Qual é o seu nome?
How are you called?Como você se chama?
My name is…O meu nome é…

Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye in Brazilian Portuguese is not as straightforward as it may seem.  Although adeus is the translation for goodbye, the term implies that you may never see the other person again, so the less formal term tchau is used. 

Other terms for saying goodbye in Brazilian Portuguese include:

See you laterAté mais (lit. “Until later”)
See you soonAté logo
See you tomorrowAté amanhã

Greetings and goodbyes flashcards

Test your understanding of greetings and goodbyes using the flashcards below. Click on the card to reveal the translation and the arrows to move between questions:

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